Tips to Getting More Youtube video Views
Youtube video Views in this word you’ve heard all the fuss about why video is so important, and how important YouTube is to utilize in your marketing. So why can’t you get it to work for you? You start getting frustrated and decide, and maybe YouTube isn’t for me. The truth is, you’re probably not going to go viral.
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I’m going to quickly tell you some steps you can take to optimize your YouTube channel, but if you want a more in-depth explanation. So we’re going to start by customizing our channel. It would help if you took the time to design this and make it look good since it will act as your home page on YouTube. So you’re going to start by uploading a profile picture. Just use something that represents you or your brand.

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The next thing you’re going to want to do is to create custom channel art. This is basically like a cover photo on any other social media platform, but YouTube is a little bit different. Since YouTube is viewed on so many devices, from mobile to television.
You’re going to have to design your cover art to ensure that your text or logos aren’t being cut off on any device. This gives you safe areas to ensure that all of your important information will be visible on any device. This one is pretty self-explanatory; include any relevant information about your brand and include any links or hashtags you want to be known for.
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The next thing to do is upload a channel trailer. This is a video that auto-plays when someone first gets to your channel, and you can customize it to show different videos to new viewers or current subscribers. You can use this trailer as a way to tease your viewers into something that’s coming up, or give them more information on your brand, or tell them more about what you’re going to be posting.
One of the easiest things you can do to get more subscribers is to include a brand watermark on all of your videos. This will be a little icon that shows up in your screen corner that people can click on to subscribe easily. Don’t miss out on this straightforward way to get more subscribers.
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You only have to set it once, and it will appear on all of your videos. So now that we have a good-looking channel, it’s time to upload our first video. The first thing you’re going to want to do is to make sure your titles are attention-grabbing and relevant to your video. When you’re designing your label, think about how people will be searching for your video and think about what words you would use to search for the topic you’re looking for.
Your descriptions are essential in coming up higher in search results. Include any keywords that you want to come up for in your stories, but make sure that you write them in a conversational tone, and you’re not just keyword stuffing. This is a great place to include any information you want your audience to know since you have plenty of space to work with. Also, include any links that you wish to or even link to specific timecode to direct people to certain parts of your video.
Make sure you include as many relevant tags as you can think of because this is how you will come up in search results and on related videos. Use specific tags because you’re not always going to come up high for the very competitive keywords, so you want to have a few phrases in there, or things that are specific to your brand that people can search that you know you’re going to come up positively for.
Thumbnails are almost as important as your title since it’s going to be one of the first things people see. This is your chance to get creative. Just make sure that it’s cohesive with your brand and any font you are using is legible, even when it’s being shown small. Next up is captions. Don’t forget to add captions, as they are more important than you may think. Not only will they open up your video to a whole new audience.
But YouTube crawls through your captions to find keywords. So including captions will help you rank higher in the searches. What I’d recommend is going into transcribing and auto-sync and manually typing your captions, and then have YouTube auto-sync them. It usually does an excellent job of syncing them up, and you can just quickly go through and make sure that everything looks right.
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The final step is to create playlists. Once you have a few videos uploaded, you’re going to want to organize them into playlists so people can easily navigate your channel and find what they’re looking for. This also helps keep people on your track longer since it will automatically play the next video in the playlist after your current video is finished, which improves your SEO. So if you follow these guidelines, you’ll have the chance to dominate the two largest search engines on the web, which could be huge for your business.
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